#aboutlastnight | Dude, Where's My Car?

“Dude, you got a tattoo.”

“So did you, dude!”

“So then what does mine say?”

“Sweet! What does mine say?”

“Dude! What does mine say?”

What if you woke up after one of those nights with a bad tattoo missing your car?

We’re not gonna cop to the fact that it may have happened to us at one point, maybe last week even.

This #aboutlastnight moment is brought to you from one of the Brothers Weaver’s favorite movies, “Dude, Where’s My Car?”

A classic.

There’s a big easter egg from the movie in this image, can you guess it?

Co-Owner, big brother Kraig Weaver has called Co-Owner, little brother Kameron Weaver “Dude” all his life. In fact, Kraig rarely uses “Kameron” when he’s talking to him at all. Jesse and Chester (the movie characters played by Ashton Kutcher and live to see another lost car through the eyes of two brothers who booze it up instead of smoke it down.

The movie is available to rent on pretty much every streaming platform where you rent your movies these days.


We all have those nights where inhibitions were diminished, or completely lost, and we wake up maybe not quite remembering the whole story but definitely remembering enough to make our cheeks blush.

At The Block we don’t consider those #aboutlastnight stories embarrassing. We consider them badges of honor, like scars with amazing action tales. So we decided to document them. Are they fictitious or did they happen? We won't tell.

That’s #aboutlastnight


For this image, Sash Levitov gathered the crew and shot in the very early morning before there was too much foot traffic and the natural light was perfect to make the neon sign glow by creating a composite photo from 4 different photos. This is the seventh photo in the #aboutlastnight series.

The pandemic did us a favor by inadvertently bringing a shipping container to our patio, perfect for lifting a car onto. And once that idea was thrown out, a “Dude, Where’s My Car” spoof was not far behind. This 2000’s classic was all we could talk about for months. A few different cars were vetted to see which one would make the cut!

The magic of that morning, the slightly hazy air, really brings in that “Wow, what did we do last night?” feeling that is the ethos of this #aboutlastnight series.

The brothers got a special attachment for the distillery forklift to slowly lift the car onto the shipping container, making sure to place it in such a way that it was totally safe.

The best part was that the car was left upon the shipping container for a full 24-hours before we took it down! (Second best part was that those silly lick-on tattoos didn’t come off for 3 days.)

Stay tuned for more #aboutlastnight photos, as we share a new one each month.



The Block’s 4th Anniversary Party


#aboutlastnight | Hip Hip