#aboutlastnight photo series

We all have those nights where inhibitions were diminished, or completely lost, and we wake up maybe not quite remembering the whole story but definitely remembering enough to make our cheeks blush.

At The Block we don’t consider those #aboutlastnight stories embarrassing. We consider them badges of honor, like scars with amazing action tales. So we decided to document them. Are they fictitious or did they happen? We won't tell.

That’s #aboutlastnight. 

When all your waking and sleeping hours are dedicated to spirits, some pretty funny things can happen at the distillery.

The List

What would happen if you had a long week, unlimited spirits, and a wicked sense of humor? Oh, so much. We started putting together a list of things that could happen, figured out our favorites, and can’t wait to show you. 

Starting November 2020, we’re going to release one #aboutlastnight photo each month. We hope you’ll think they’re as funny as we do. Look closely, don’t miss any of the details because we’ve filled the photos with shoutouts and Easter eggs for all our friends. 

The Photographer

#aboutlastnight is a collaboration with the best photographer in Denver (in our opinion). Sash Levitov is shooting the entirety of the series and creating composite photos to capture a large number of the #aboutlastnight scenes. That means she’s taking between 4 and 8 photos and building them together into one photo. Sash is not only a master with setting the perfect scene, but also getting the shot, and editing the post-production photos. I mean, look at the final photo, can you tell that it is six photos layered together?

The Process

As you can tell, there is a lot going on behind the scenes that doesn’t come through in the photo. The composite process is definitely tricky.

Shooting this way is basically a big puzzle. You’ve got to imagine the final image at the beginning and then work backward to build a bunch of photos that will come together to create the final photo. Like working on set pieces to fill a stage.

“We had to get the bubbles set, the clothes on the ground, and everything perfect before we started shooting so that we could put the whole image together,” said Sash. “And then, later in post-processing, I was able to basically layer the images on top of each other using masks and other techniques in [Adobe] Photoshop to paint in the parts of the images that we wanted for the final outcome.”

#AboutLastNight | Fermenter Hot Tub 

The first photo in our #aboutlastnight series was a no-brainer for us. The fermentation tank hot tub is something we’ve dreamed about during many late nights at the distillery. In this photo, you see co-owners Kraig and Michelle enjoying a romantic hot soak while co-owner Kameron decides to crash their party with a classic canon ball.

This photo pretty much sums up what it’s like to own and run a distillery with your wife/sister-in-law and your brother.

“The final image was the combination of five images because we weren’t able to photograph Kameron jumping while Kraig and Michelle were in the tub, we chose compositing,” explained Sash “It allowed us to capture each part of the photograph separately even though the photo was realistically shot.”

Stay tuned for more #aboutlastnight photos, as we share a new one each month.


Some BTS funnies.


Cause when you have bubbles you play with them.

The splash was so big we actually sent soapy water into one of the photography lights and burnt it up.




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